Appendix J - Charter of the Special Committee on Nominations

Adopted January 17, 2019
Amended March 18, 2021

A. Purpose. The Special Committee on Nominations shall make recommendations to the Board regarding the membership and Chairs and Vice Chairs of Standing Committees.

B. Membership/Appointment/Term. The Chair of the Board will appoint 7 members, including a Committee Chair, to the Special Committee for one-year terms annually in September. All members shall be voting Regents, with no advisory members.

C. Special Provisions. The Special Committee is established as a recurring committee, with a term of one year. Regents who are not members of the Special Committee shall not attend its meetings.

D. Board Leadership and Committee Assignments. The Special Committee shall be responsible for presenting to the Board no later than May of each fiscal year a slate of candidates for Chair and Vice Chair of the Board, Chair and Vice Chair of each Standing Committee, and the remaining members of each Standing Committee for the following fiscal year. The Special Committee shall consult with the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Committees regarding nominations of Committee membership and leadership for the next year. The Special Committee also nominates advisors as members of Standing Committees and Subcommittees, unless otherwise specified in a Committee Charter, and nominates Regents and advisors to Standing Committees and Subcommittees when vacancies occur.


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